

Conference papers / Invited Talks

Grayson, H. (2018), Roundtable ‘Violences, stratégies adaptatives et résilience’, 4th World Congress on Resilience, Marseille.

Grayson, H. & N. Hitchcott (2018), ‘Valérie Bemeriki, Voice of Rwandan Hate Radio’, Works That Kill, University of London, Paris.

Grayson, H. (2018), ‘Rwandan Stories of Change: travail interdisciplinaire et international’, RwandaMAP2020 Connaitre le génocide des Tutsi, MSH Paris-Saclay.

Grayson, H. (2018), ‘Articulating growth in Rwanda’, Trauma Studies in the Medical Humanities, University of Durham.

Hitchcott, N. (2017), ‘The (Un)Believable Truth About Rwanda’, Invited Keynote, Australian Society for French Studies, Canberra, Australian National University.

Grayson, H. (2017), ‘Beyond Trauma: Testimonies of Growth in Rwanda’, Memory Studies Association Annual Conference, University of Copenhagen.

Grayson, H. (2017), ‘Post-traumatic growth in Rwanda: Positive Change in and through Testimonies’, Du trauma à la Reconstruction: Des Possibles Créations et Résiliences, Kigali, University of Rwanda.

Grayson, H. (2017), ‘Articulating growth in Rwanda’, Medical Humanities in an African Context, Zomba, University of Malawi.

Grayson, H. (2017), ‘Resilience in Rwanda: Finding Well-Being in and through Testimonies’, African Literature Association, Yale University, USA.

Hitchcott, N. (2017), ‘From Mourning to Recuperation in the Writings of Scholastique Mukasonga’, African Literature Association, Yale University, USA.

Hitchcott, N. (2017), ‘Looking Back and Moving Forwards: Rwandan Stories of Change’, GCRF and Heritage Workshop, University of Liverpool, UK.

Blackie, L.E.R. (2016), ‘Examining the Possible Benefits of Hardship Across Continents’, Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, USA.

Blackie, L.E.R. (2016), ‘The Duty to Forgive and be Forgiven: Social Positioning in Post-Genocide Rwanda’, ASAUK, University of Cambridge, UK.

Blackie, L.E.R. (2016), ‘Distinguishing between Psychological Adjustment and Post-Traumatic Growth among Rwandan Genocide Survivors’, British Psychological Society, Nottingham, UK.

Blackie, L.E.R. (2016), ‘Post-Traumatic Growth: a Psychological Resource in Post-Conflict and Displaced Populations’, Mid Sweden University, Sweden.

Blackie, L.E.R. (2016), ‘Life after Adversity: Distinguishing Benefit Finding and Post-Traumatic Growth’, Strengthening Character through Challenges and Failure, John Templeton Foundation, Philadelphia, USA.

Blackie, L.E.R. & N. Hitchcott (2016), ‘Analyzing Memories of Genocide in Rwanda: Theoretical and Ethical Considerations’, University of Nottingham, UK.

Hitchcott, N. (2016), ‘”Ce n’est pas qu’un pays de génocide”: Recuperating Rwanda in Scholastique Mukasonga’s Fiction’, Society for Francophone Postcolonial Studies, Institute of Modern Languages Research, London, UK.

Hitchcott, N. (2016), ‘Unity and Reconciliation as Rwandan Fiction’, ASAUK, University of Cambridge, UK.

Hitchcott, N. (2016), ‘Reading African Texts Psychologically: Rwandan Stories of Change’, African Literature in the UK, Anatomy Museum, Kings College London, UK.

Blackie, L.E.R. (2015), Radio Interview with Laura Apol, BBC Nottingham, UK.
Listen here.

Blackie, L.E.R. (2015), ‘The Process of Post-Traumatic Growth in Fostering Agency and Activism among Survivors of the Genocide in Rwanda’, Centre for Postcolonial Studies, Nottingham Trent University, UK.

Blackie, L.E.R. (2015), ‘Post-Traumatic Growth in Perpetrators of the Genocide in Rwanda: a Theory of Adjustment and Reconciliation’, Encountering Perpetrators of Mass Killings, Political Violence and Genocide, Winchester, UK.

Blackie, L.E.R. (2015), ‘Post-Traumatic Growth in Perpetrators of the Genocide in Rwanda: Theoretical and Ethical Considerations’, The Perpetrator Self, Wilberforce Institute, Hull, UK.

Hitchcott, N. (2015), ‘Intimate Enemies: Understanding Perpetrators in Literary Responses to the Rwanda Genocide’, The Perpetrator Self, Wilberforce Institute, Hull, UK.


Grayson, H., N. Hitchcott, L. Blackie & S. Joseph, After the Genocide in Rwanda: Testimonies of Violence, Change and Reconciliation (I.B.Tauris, forthcoming).

Grayson, H. & N. Hitchcott, eds., Rwanda Since 1994: Stories of Change (Liverpool University Press, in press).

Joseph, S. ‘After the Genocide in Rwanda: Humanistic perspectives on social processes of post-conflict posttraumatic growth’, The Humanistic Psychologist. Advance online publication (2018). http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/hum0000088 

Blackie, L. & N. Hitchcott,  “‘I am Rwandan’: Unity and Reconciliation in Post-Genocide Rwanda” in Genocide Studies and Prevention (2018). http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/gsp/vol12/iss1/5/

Grayson, H. ‘Articulating Growth in Rwandan Terms: Adapting the Post-traumatic growth Inventory’, Studies in Testimony 1 (2018) http://studiesintestimony.co.uk/issues/volume-one-issue-one/articulating-growth-in-rwandan-terms/

Grayson, H. & P. Rukesha, ‘Digital Archives in a Changing Rwanda’, African Research and Documentation 131 (2017), 15-23.

Joseph, S. ‘Theoretical and ethical issues in studying post-traumatic growth in perpetrators’  http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/what-doesnt-kill-us/201712/rwandan-stories-change

Blackie, L. E. R., N. Hitchcott & S. Joseph ‘Looking for Post-Traumatic Growth in Perpetrators of the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda: A Discussion of Theoretical and Ethical Issues’, Journal of Perpetrator Research (2017)  http://journals.winchesteruniversitypress.org/index.php/jpr/article/view/39 

Grayson, H, ‘A place for individuals: positive growth in Rwanda’, Eastern African Literary and Cultural Studies 3.2-4 (2017), 107-130. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23277408.2017.1374052

Blackie, L. E. R., E. Jayawickreme, N. Hitchcott & S. Joseph ‘Distinguishing Post-Traumatic Growth from Psychological Adjustment among Rwandan Genocide Survivors’, in David Carr, James Arthur and Kristján Kristjánsson (eds), Varieties of Virtue Ethics (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017), pp. 279-317.

Blackie, L. E. R., A. M. Roepke, N. Hitchcott & S. Joseph, ‘Can people experience post-traumatic growth after committing violent acts?’, Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology , 22.4 (2016), 409-412. http://research-repository.st-andrews.ac.uk/handle/10023/9506