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Wage Inequality and Market Failures

During the past four decades both between and within group wage inequality increased significantly in many advanced economies and particularly in the US. Three of the most well-documented facts concern the increase in the education wage premium, the rise in the experience premium and the narrowing gender wage gap.

Recent studies explain the rising education premium. However, the growing experience premium still remains underexplored. The combination of private employer learning, education signalling and credit constraints, provides a microfounded justification for both patterns. After the 1965 Higher Education Act, college loans extended and allowed less-privileged students to acquire education. When financial constraints relax, talented individuals can acquire education and leave the uneducated pool. This implies that the eventual group of uneducated young workers becomes of lower average quality, as most of the "rough diamonds" have now been plucked out of this group. This explanation is consistent with US data from 1970's to 2000's, indicating that the rise of the education and the experience premium coincides with a fall in unskilled-inexperienced wages, while at the same time skilled or experienced wages do not change much. The model accounts also for the fact that the education premium increases more for inexperienced workers, while the experience premium increases only for the low-educated ones.

The introduction of gender-specific credit constraints, explains not only the rise in the education and the experience premium but also the narrowing gender wage gap, by allowing the cost of borrowing to become more similar for the two genders recently compared to the past. This theory is coherent with the US experience, as before the 1974 Equal Credit Opportunity Act borrowing was much costlier for women, while recently credit extended and allowed primarily gifted women who were previously liquidity constrained to acquire skills, generating a better allocation of talent in education. This explanation suggests that equalizing borrowing opportunities for men and women, decreases inequality between genders, while it also increases inequality within gender by boosting the wage gap between different education and experience groups for both sexes.

This unified analysis, which brings theory closer to evidence, and explains the evolution of wage inequality related to education, experience and gender, highlights the potential conflict between equal opportunities and substantial economic equality. At the same time it cautions policy makers that desirable developments in market institutions, which allow broader access to credit or decline the influence of gender discrimination in borrowing, can in fact bear vicious consequences by increasing wage inequality.

Researcher: Theodore Koutmeridis

Related CDMA Working Papers

1307 Theodore Koutmeridis The Market for "Rough Diamonds": Information, Finance and Wage Inequality

Media summary by the Royal Economic Society: "Rough Diamonds": How Greater Equality of Opportunity Has Led to Greater Inequality of Outcomes

