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Finance and Growth

Our work in this area seeks to advance the question of finance and growth in analytical and historical terms. The objectives of this work are:

1) A detailed assessment of the historical background to finance and the industrial revolution, with primary sources, contemporary accounts and reconstructed datasets used to form a realistic account of the UK growth experience and of the role that finance played in technological progress, in developing social capital and in institutional development. We will attempt to identify the stylized facts

Per Capita Industrial Production, Bairoch (1982)
Per Capita Industrial Production, Bairoch (1982)

from this analysis and feed this directly into our theoretical research. A unique dataset encompassing the industrial revolution and built by a faculty member at St Andrews (Shea, forthcoming) will aid us in this respect, and the growing interest in the econometric analysis of historical financial data (e.g. Rousseau and Sylla, 2004 and Wright, 2004) is also likely to yield important insights; and

2) Following a survey of the theoretical literature, it is clear that the development of a growth theory which incorporates the role of financial intermediation in a realistically dynamic and endogenous way is necessary to clarify its significance (or otherwise) as a growth-determining factor. The importance of information asymmetry, of disaggregation, of endogenous financial structures and of optimal institutions are all key in this context. Each of these questions might enter into an explanation of heterogeneous international growth paths and so may have policy implications.

It is intended that these two themes will converge into a realistic dynamic general equilibrium model of growth that can be calibrated to the data.

Researchers: Charles Nolan, Gary Shea and Alex Trew

Related Projects:
Private Sector Finance and the Support of Infrastructure as a Source of Economic Growth

Related CDMA Working Papers:

0507 Alex Trew (St Andrews) 'Finance and Growth: A Critical Survey', (part of which) forthcoming (2006) in Economic Record, 82(259).
0702 Alex Trew (St Andrews) 'Endogenous Financial Development and Industrial Takeoff'.
0712 Alex Trew (St Andrews) 'Efficiency, Depth and Growth: Quantitative Implications of Finance and Growth Theory', forthcoming in Journal of Macroeconomics.

Policy Notes: PN106: Finance Causes Growth: Is it True?

