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CDMA Conference 2006 Photos

[Papers | Programme | Participants]

John Hardman Moore (Edinburgh and LSE)
Neil Rankin (Warwick), Charles Nolan (St Andrews) and Patrick Minford (Cardiff)
Mike Wickens (York) and Ozge Senay (METU)

Joe Pearlman (London Metropolitan), Andrew Vivian (St Andrews)
and Parantap Basu (Durham)

John Driffill (Birkbeck) and Gary Shea (St Andrews)
Joe Pearlman (London Metropolitan)
Ozge Senay (METU) and Cambell Leith (Glasgow)
Max Gillman (Cardiff)
Christoph Thoenissen (St Andrews) and Arnab Bhattacharjee (St Andrews)
Martin Ellison (Warwick) and John Driffill (Birkbeck)
Charles Nolan (St Andrews)
John Driffill (Birkbeck)
Kaushik Mitra (St Andrews) and Martin Ellison (Warwick)
Max Gillman (Cardiff) and Elisa Newby (St Andrews)
Patrick Minford (Cardiff)


