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ScotGEM - Graduate Entry Medical Programme videos

Teaching Format

ScotGEM uses a wide range of teaching methods, much of which will be delivered within an NHS setting. A case-based learning approach in the first two years will prepare you for an exciting range of clinical learning opportunities in third and fourth years.

Generalist Clinical Mentors

Students will be engaged in small-group, work-based learning supported by a dedicated team of GP teachers or 'generalist clinical mentors' in a local general practice. This will include regular clinical experience and patient contact from the outset.

Patient Contact

The ScotGEM course is based on clinical cases from the outset. Students learning in the form of lectures, practicals and tutorials comes together in the clinical environment seeing real patients.

Agents of Change

Working as an effective doctor involves being able to change health and care systems. Agents of change enables ScotGEM students to learn and attempt to bring about real change in healthcare delivery.

Rural Medicine in Scotland

The programme includes periods of time living and studying in rural areas of the Highlands and Dumfries and Galloway.


Hear from students who have graduated from the programme on what appealed to them about ScotGEM.