Marine Mammal Science (MSc) 2017 entry

The MSc in Marine Mammal Science prepares students for a professional career in the research and conservation of marine mammals. It is the only research-focused Masters degree in this popular subject worldwide, and is taught by leading experts at the Sea Mammal Research Unit and the Scottish Oceans Institute.

Applications for 2017 entry for this course have now closed, see which courses are available for the upcoming academic year.

Course type

Postgraduate; leading to a Master of Science (MSc)

Course duration

One year full time

Entry requirements

At first or upper 2.1 (Honours) undergraduate degree or equivalent in a biological science. Other scientific, engineering or mathematics degrees may be acceptable; please contact the School if you are unsure about your qualifications. If you studied your first degree outside the UK, see the international entry requirements.

Training in advanced mathematics and statistics (at least to UK school AS/A-level, Higher, International Baccalaureate or equivalent).

Very good baseline IT skills including word-processing, spreadsheet use, email and Internet.

English language proficiency. See English language tests and qualifications.

In addition to the above minimum requirements, it is highly desirable for applicants to have:

  • relevant field or lab experience from previous employment, project or volunteer work.
  • further IT skills, e.g. programming, database software and statistical packages for analysing (such as MATLAB, SPSS, SAS or R).
  • dedicated calculus and/or statistics modules at university level.

The qualifications listed are indicative minimum requirements for entry. Some academic Schools will ask applicants to achieve significantly higher marks than the minimum. Obtaining the listed entry requirements will not guarantee you a place, as the University considers all aspects of every application including, where applicable, the writing sample, personal statement, and supporting documents.

Tuition fees

UK and EU: £8,400
Overseas: £20,370

Application deadline

Applications for 2017 entry for this course have now closed, see which courses are available for the upcoming academic year.

Application requirements

If you started this programme in 2016, you can find information about 2016 entry on the 2016 Marine Mammal Science page. Information about all programmes from previous years of entry can be found in our archive.

Please note that MMS applicants should not submit a cover letter, CV or writing sample with their applications.

For more guidance, see supporting documents and references for postgraduate taught programmes. 

Apply for this course
What our students say

Marjoleine, 2015

“Getting taught at SMRU was an honour due to the many experts concentrated there, who all were very helpful. This also makes it a great place to network and get a taste of the working environment you are being prepared for during the Masters. Besides, the town of St Andrews offers many ways to enjoy and relax after study.”

Student testimonials

Course information

The MSc in Marine Mammal Science is a one-year taught programme run by the Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU), the only UK institution dedicated exclusively to marine mammal research, and draws on the quantitative and diverse academic expertise within the University's Scottish Oceans Institute (SOI)


  • Modules include intense training in quantitative techniques (for example, statistical modelling and GIS) and applied research methods, including a field course to practice survey techniques (at no additional cost).
  • Students have the exciting opportunity to conduct field work and training in Antarctica as part of the optional module in polar ecology (requiring additional payment of a substantial expedition fee). See the students' Antarctic expedition blog.
  • The core curriculum is complemented by advanced optional modules in topical research areas of biologging, bioacoustics, behaviour and cognition, and population biology.
  • Stimulating, small class sizes with a focus on student-led, experiential learning.

MMS blog

Teaching format

The course consists of two taught semesters followed by an independent research project culminating in a 15,000-word dissertation and poster presentation. The research project takes place during the entire year with particular focus during the last three months from June to August. 

Teaching takes the form of lectures, seminars, debates, workshops and tutorials. Practicals involve lab work, field work, modelling and computer-based data analysis. Assessment comprises coursework and end-of semester written examinations. Class sizes range from 5 to 20 students, depending on the module.

Further particulars regarding curriculum development.


The modules in this programme have varying methods of delivery and assessment. For more details of each module, including weekly contact hours, teaching methods and assessment, please see the latest module catalogue which is for the 2016–2017 academic year; some elements may be subject to change for 2017 entry.

Compulsory modules

Optional modules

Students choose three optional modules in Semester 2. Optional modules require a minimum number of five students to be offered (see the University’s position on curriculum development).

  • Population Biology of Marine Mammals: population dynamics, population genetics, trophic interactions and spatial dynamics.
  • Current Issues in Marine Mammal Behaviour: current views and recent advances in the study of marine mammal social behaviour and cognition.
  • Current Issues in Biologging: the theory and practice of logging and relaying physical and biological data using animal-attached tags.
  • Predator Ecology in Polar Ecosystems: field course located in southern Argentina and Antarctica (requires payment of an expedition fee which covers all costs, including travel and accommodation). See the students' Antarctic expedition blog.
  • Advanced Bioacoustics for Marine Mammal Science: theoretical and practical application of techniques used to study marine acoustics.

The modules listed ran in the academic year 2016–2017 and are indicative of this course. There is no guarantee that these modules will run for 2017 entry. Take a look at the most up-to-date modules in the module catalogue.

Research project and dissertation

During the final three months of the course, students complete a research project which will culminate in a 15,000-word dissertation and the presentation of a poster at the MSc student conference. Projects may involve some fieldwork but will be primarily focused on the analysis of existing data. Projects will be supervised by SMRU staff but may be carried out with joint supervision from staff in other institutions. 

Find out more about Marine Mammal research at St Andrews.

If students choose not to complete the dissertation requirement for the MSc, there are exit awards available that allow suitably qualified candidates to receive a Postgraduate Diploma. By choosing an exit award, you will finish your degree at the end of the second semester of study and receive a PGDip instead of an MSc.

Conferences and events

The MSc is enhanced by a busy programme of conferences, seminars and visiting speakers from universities in the UK and abroad. This includes regular departmental seminars in the Scottish Oceans Institute, the Centre for Research in Ecological and Environmental Modelling and the St Andrews BioNetwork, a great social and academic forum bringing together PhD and Masters students at different stages of their training.

Students on the course are encouraged to attend (and present a poster or talk at) the annual student conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy in the UK which takes place in varying locations every year. See the UK and Ireland Regional Student Chapter website for more details.

Be sure to check out the Marine Mammal Science blog for programme news and highlights as well as the biology research blog for up-to-date information and events. 


St Andrews graduates who have graduated during the last three years are eligible for a Recent Graduate Discount, which offers a 10% discount on tuition fees.

Find out more about postgraduate scholarships. 

After the MSc

Research degrees

After successful completion of the taught Masters component in Marine Mammal Science, students can change from the MSc degree route to a Master of Philosophy (MPhil) degree, which requires a further year of dedicated research.

Many of our MSc graduates continue their education by enrolling in PhD programmes at St Andrews or elsewhere. PhD students at the School of Biology at St Andrews have the opportunity to undertake a research degree in their chosen subject area where research interests span the breadth of biological science.

PhD studentships are offered by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC).

PhD in Biology


Graduates of the course have gone on to complete PhDs and/or work as research scientists for government agencies, industry, environmental consultancies or marine conservation organisations as well as in academic institutions worldwide.

Graduates also become part of a large and growing alumni network, with many students continuing on to become research scientists, either at St Andrews or as part of international collaborations. SMRU has held noteworthy alumni gatherings at professional conferences, and graduates stay in touch with each other using a Master course’s specific Facebook group.

Apply for the MSc in Marine Mammal Science

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General inquiries
Biology postgraduate taught secretaries
Katrina Gatherum and Louise Docherty
Scottish Oceans Institute
St Andrews
KY16 8LB

Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 3441

Biology website

SMRU website

Course organiser
Dr Sonja Heinrich
Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU)
Scottish Oceans Insutitute (SOI)
University of St Andrews

Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 2628

Admission to the University of St Andrews is governed by our Admissions policy.

Curriculum development

As a research intensive institution, the University ensures that its teaching references the research interests of its staff, which may change from time to time. As a result, programmes are regularly reviewed with the aim of enhancing students' learning experience. Our approach to course revision is described online. (PDF, 72 KB).

Tuition fees

The University will clarify compulsory fees and charges it requires any student to pay at the time of offer. The offer will also clarify conditions for any variation of fees. The University’s approach to fee setting is described online. (PDF, 84 KB)


St Andrews has two postgraduate prospectuses - one for taught courses and one for research programmes. Both prospectuses are available for you to view and download.

Postgraduate prospectus